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Han Ji Min : Latest News, Photos and Videos

Actress Han Ji Min, "student age" is Hot Topic. Testimony of a classmate.

● Junior high school, high school classmate. There is no need to keep in touch now ...

● During physical education, the ball hit Jimin and my eyes were cut and she had some blood.

● At that time, there was a child who applauded. Jimmin was so popular with students and teachers that he could also study, so there were also children who were jealous. .

‪ ● There was a child with mental illness in the class. I didn't wash too much, I was alone, and everyone in the class avoided it. The child who smiles and greets the child is only this jimin. .

Actress Han Ji Min, released pictures. HIGT CUT. .

Actress Han Ji Min participates in the launch of the JTBC TV Series "Dazzling". Afternoon on the 20th, a restaurant in Seoul · Kashiwajima. . .

Actor Nam Ju Hyuk & actress Han Ji Min, JTBC New TV series "Dazzling" attended production presentation. On the afternoon of November 11, Seoul · Yeouido Conrad Hotel. .

Actress Han Ji Min, JTBC New TV series "Dazzling" attended production presentation. On the afternoon of November 11, Seoul · Yeouido Conrad Hotel. .

Actress Han Ji Min, depart for American New York for attending 'NY Asian Film Festival'. Incheon International Airport on the 31st afternoon. .

Actress Han Ji Min received an female performer prize at '10th Film People Prize'. .